Friday 20 November 2015

Recipe: Hummus Mediterranean Summer Pizza (Clean Eating, Sugar Free)

Easy & Healthy Pizza Recipe

Hummus Mediterranean Summer Pizza

Suitable for those doing clean eating or sugar free diets!

Ingredients (SERVES 2 ADULTS)

  • 1 x Large Sugar Free Thin Pizza Base - Either buy one from the store (or the base with the least amount of sugar) or make this whole wheat pizza base.
  • 3 x Tbsp Hummus - Either buy some from the store or make this sugar free hummus from scratch.
  • 1 x Baby Cucumber - Wash & cut into thin slivers. If you can't find baby cucumber, just use half a regular sized Lebanese cucumber.
  • 1 x Cup of Spinach Leaves - Washed.
  • ½ x Avocado - Cut into thin slivers or just very small portions.
  • 8 x Cherry Tomatoes - Wash & cut into 4 quarters each.
  • ½ x Lemon - Cut into 2 pieces.
  • 1 x Small Block of Feta Cheese - Crumbled.
  • Salt & Pepper - To taste.
  • Chili Flakes - Optional.

Method (10 mins prep, 10 mins cook)

  1. Cover the pizza base in hummus and put it in the oven on 180° for around 8 minutes.
  2. While the pizza is baking, prepare all of the other ingredients and have them ready.
  3. Pull the pizza base out of the oven and sprinkle a pinch of chili flakes across it.
  4. Toppings - Cover the pizza base in a layer of spinach leaves. Then add the cherry tomatoes, cucumber and avocado. Crumble the feta over the top generously. Add salt and pepper to your taste.
  5. Serve - Serve the pizza with a quarter of lemon for each person to squeeze on themselves.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Recipe: Salt & Pepper Calamari + Mango Summer Salad (Clean Eating, Sugar Free)

Easy & Healthy Salad Recipe

Salt & Pepper Calamari + Mango Summer Salad

Suitable for those doing clean eating or sugar free diets!

Ingredients (SERVES 2 ADULTS)

  • Salt & Pepper Calamari (about 10-12 pieces) - Either buy a packet from the store already made or make your own. If making your own, follow this easy and healthy recipe.
  • 1 Large Mango - Cut into small pieces.
  • Mixed Salad Leaves (about 80g worth) - Swap this out for spinach or rocket if you so please.
  • 1 Lebanese Cucumber - Wash & cut into small pieces.
  • 1 Celery Stick - Wash & cut into small pieces.
  • 1 Small Birds-Eye Chili - Optional. Wash & dice up finely.
  • 1 Small Green Capsicum - Wash & cut into small pieces.
  • 8 Cherry Tomatoes - Wash & cut into 4 quarters each.
  • 1 Lemon - Cut into 4 large wedges.
  • Olive Oil - Optional. Ideally use lemon-infused olive oil.

Method (10 mins prep, 10 mins cook)

  1. Prepare all of the ingredients.
  2. Grab a large salad bowl and add the salad leaves, mango, cucumber, celery, chili, capsicum and cherry tomatoes. Don't mix it yet.
  3. Pan fry the calamari until it's a light golden brown colour on both sides (ideally use a stone pan that doesn't require oil or add a bit of olive oil to a regular pan before frying). Then turn the pan off and let the calamari cool for 2 minutes. Finally, tip the calamari into the salad bowl.
  4. Dressing - Drizzle a small amount of lemon-infused olive oil over the top of the salad. Top it off by squeezing 2 of the lemon wedges over the salad.
  5. Serve - Mix all of the ingredients together using salad spoons. Serve with 1 lemon wedge on the side. Enjoy!