Wednesday 29 February 2012

The Digital Gun: What a Digital Marketer Really Does

Last weekend an engineer asked me what I do for a crust and in reply I told him I worked in digital marketing. He thought about it for a second, cocked his head to the side, laughed and said 'so you are on Facebook and Twitter all day long?', like it was the most hilarious joke in the world.

It's funny the way other people see us digital peeps.

What we are really doing all day long is learning, adapting and growing as specialists in our field. I truly believe digital marketers work in the most rapidly changing industry there is. The fast-paced world of digital is always changing and it's our job to keep on top of it all. Some days it feels like I'm Neo on the Nebuchadnezzar having information constantly downloaded right into my brain.

How can brands use Pinterest to directly impact sales? Download it.

How did Twitter recently change the way people use the @ symbol? Download it.

What does PTA mean for brands on Facebook, and why is it so damn important? Download it.

What's the drop off rate when you do a Facebook app that requires permissions? Download it.

How is Google going to force businesses/brands to start using G+? Download it.

How will Facebook's new timeline impact brand pages? Download it.

In my opinion, it's impossible for a digital marketer to know everything about the entire digital landscape, especially when it comes to utilising digital to achieve marketing objectives. There's just too much information out there for any one person to know. No-one can juggle that many balls and keep them all in the air. If you meet a digital marketer who thinks they are 'The One', just slap them - they are delusional.

Digital marketers who are worth their weight in pixels are usually specialists in certain areas. It's these people who are often referred to as 'Digital Guns'. Here are a few examples of digital guns in the industry and the areas they dominate:
The ideal digital marketing team, for big brands (who can afford the luxury) is compiled of a number of these so-called 'guns', all working in perfect synergy. It'll be someone in management who, when the time comes to do something digitally explosive, will say 'We need guns, lots of guns!'

Now, out of 100 points, how did all of you score in my blog?
  • 10 Points - You are already on Pinterest (you are so cool)
  • 10 Points - You know at least 2 of the 5 digital guns I called out
  • 10 Points - You are a Digital Gun (chk, chk, boom yo)
  • 10 Points - You've seen all 3 Matrix movies, and got all the references (geek much?)
  • 10 Points - You can juggle, like a boss!
  • 50 Points - You voted for me in the shootout!
- Digital Goose

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